Regional vertical files, [ca. 1760]-2002.


Regional vertical files, [ca. 1760]-2002.

Material in the Regional Vertical Files pertains to the history of various localities in New York State and Vermont. Coverage is mainly concentrated on the upper Hudson Valley and the lower Adirondack Region. The Regional files consist mainly of newspaper clippings, pamphlets, articles, and reports, but some other types of ephemera are also included, such as travel brochures, programs or announcements of events, press releases, advertisements, and a few manuscripts and pictures. None of the material is cataloged, but it is arranged alphabetically, first by place (county, town, or city) and then by subject. Principal subjects are bridges, businesses, buildings, churches, description, fires, history, hotels, industries, libraries, museums, and schools.

18 cubic ft. (10 file drawers)

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